Our vision is to take care of the natural environment and the people that enable us to bring valued products from our home to the world.

Read about our Corporate Social Responsibility commitment

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 2023

We are excited to be at the start of our Corporate Social Responsibility journey. Having a formal strategy allows us to put formal targets in place to track and review our progress going forward.

CSR sits at the core of our overarching business strategy. 

Care for the natural environment

Westland milk products Dairy NZ company pallet logo

Reducing waste

Reducing our waste footprint will positively impact the West Coast environment. We hope this will encourage suppliers and employees to do the same across the entire supply chain.

Our targets:
1. Reduce waste (on-site) to landfill by 35% by 2030
enviro quality NZ Dairy company Westland Milk Products

Reducing carbon emissions

We are actively working to reduce our impact on the environment with a core focus on carbon emissions on-site while also investigating emissions across the supply chain.

Our targets:
1. 25% reduction in CO2 emissions (on site) by 2025 and 50% reduction by 2035.
Westland milk products Dairy NZ our environment inspecting soil

Decreasing on-farm environmental impacts

It is important to us that farms supplying Westland follow regulatory requirements, with our core role to raise awareness and support of what is required, along with putting plans in place to reduce their impact on the environment.

Our targets:
1. Implement 100% of Farm Environmental Plans by 2025

Care for the social environment

purpose nourishment made beautifully westand milk products nz dairy

Continuing to support the local community

Look after the community we operate in by supporting decent work and economic growth, alongside creating a connection between employees and the community.

Our targets:
1. Provide at least one staff volunteer day a year for all staff members by 2025
2. 1% of profit per annum to go directly to the West Coast through community sponsorship from 2025
westland website ourpeople viettran min

Caring for our employees

Become a desirable workplace by actively developing employees and creating opportunities for greatness.

Our targets:
1. All employees achieving an average of 70 training hours annually by 2030
2. Implement an annual safety culture survey and improve year on year
3. All employees to have a personal development plan by 2025
4. Carry out an annual engagement survey with engagement in the top quartile by 2030
5. Externally recognised diversity and inclusion measures in place by 2025

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